Thursday 17 October 2013

Prospective quotations for compensation events - what's the problem?

Most quotations for compensation events will be for work not yet done ie to be done at some point in the future. I hear a sharp intake of breath from some at this point, 'what if we get it wrong?'. Why, what is the problem, how difficult can it be? Of course it is impossible to predict/forecast an event +/- one penny, I don't hear of any organisations wanting other than there or thereabouts when it comes to assessing change. What I don't get is a tenderer given something like 4-6 weeks to tender for a £10m+ contract (every penny of which is prospective) who then gets nervous at submitting a quotation for £5k, 'but it might be £5.3k' etc! Why are we so happy to commit our organisations to contracts involving millions of pounds on a prospective basis, but less confident post contract when it comes to compensation events involving fractions of that amount?

It doesn't make any sense to me, I'm not asking people to be cavalier in their quotations/assessments, just to put things into perspective, work together and come up with sensible agreements for quotations. Remembering of course to think about all time and/or cost effects to be included...!

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