Saturday, 23 March 2013

Top Terms in Negotiation 2012

Dear all,

If you've followed this in the past few years, a really interesting report produced by the IACCM show the top terms in negotiation, usually nr 1 is limitation of liability, but this year IACCM say.....

This year’s study reveals changes that are far more dramatic than at any time since inception of the report. Among the highlights:
  • Markets are fragmenting; major corporations are either choosing or being forced to shift the focus of their negotiation in international markets as local issues or concerns challenge standard templates.
  • The buy-side / sell-side agenda has become more polarized, reflecting a growing divergence of concerns and increased focus by Legal and contracting specialists on supplier risk.
  • The frequency of negotiation and of post-award claims and disputes has increased, driven by a combination of rapid power shifts within industries and between countries, and economic conditions that result in cost-cutting and adversarial behaviour.
  • There are encouraging signs that negotiators are placing greater focus on terms that impact risk probability. However, there are also indications of diminished trust between buyers and suppliers, with collaboration occurring only between a select few.
These changes have significant implications for workload, skills, operational management and risk. They demand revised contract and commercial strategies and increase the urgency of steps toward ‘intelligent contracting’.

The sad news is this now seems to be locked down and you need to be a member of IACCM to read this report. Maybe IACCM will review this policy and give themselves a pat on the back....?!


Student NEC research

Please find below a survey monkey link from Peter Higgins who is in his final year studying Quantity Surveying at the University of Ulster. If you could please take the time to complete Peter’s questionnaire to assist him with his studies, this would be most appreciated.

Student NEC research

In the student's own words.....

The reason I'm contacting you is because I require assistance with my dissertation project I am currently undertaking at Glasgow Caledonian University and have emailed you as I feel your input would be extremely valuable. I would be grateful if I could borrow 10mins of your time to assist in my research.

Programme : BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
Dissertation Title :  The challenges faced in implementing NEC3’s proposed culture in today’s industry

I am currently an Honours Degree level student based in the Cumbernauld office for BBUS on the above programme and as part of my final year studies, I am required to undertake a Dissertation project.

I have tried to speak to as many people as I can before emailing this so as it comes as no surprise but unfortunately not been able to contact all. If I haven’t spoken with you directly before and sending you this email its due to someone recommending your name as someone who could have a valuable input into my research.

My chosen title is “The challenges faced in implementing NEC3’s proposed culture in today’s industry”, and I am writing to ask if you would be prepared to assist me with my research, this should take no more than 10 minutes of your time.
I would confirm that all information obtained as a result of the above will also be used solely for the purposes of fulfilling the dissertation criteria. Also, all respondents will remain anonymous and confidentiality of responses is guaranteed.

If you are able to assist me it would be greatly appreciated. I have tried to provide as much multiple choice answers as I can so it’s more convenient to finish the survey, but some of the answers will require some text input as the research will be based on people’s opinions of culture/NEC.

The closing date was 19/3/13 but seems to still be open.


Student NEC research

Steven Foster is studying Quantity Surveying at the University of Ulster and the title of his research is ‘Does using the NEC3 contract reduce disputes within the construction industry?'

Please spare 10 mins for him...

MPL call for papers on BIM

Dear all,

It's snowing, no golf, no football so what better to do than catch up on many emails/Blogs etc that have been hanging around a bit too long.....

The first is a call for papers on best practice and new directions in building information modelling (BIM). This is from Management Procurement and Law (MPL) who publish original research and practice papers on all civil engineering and construction aspects of management, procurement and law as part of the proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Have a look and please contribute if you have a paper in you, maybe from an NEC contractual angle....
